Jesus Christ

Jesus Saves, Heals, and Renews

Overview Introduction: God wants you to prosper in your spirit, soul, and body God wants you to enjoy divine health and long life filled with purpose Embrace the wisdom of God and receive riches, honor, and length of days Your healing was paid for at the cross Under God’s grace, you have the blessings of […]

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Stay Strong and Healthy God’s Way

Overview Introduction: Rest and receive the benefits of Jesus’ finished work The redemptive work of Jesus includes healing and health God’s resurrection power causes you to be physically strong and resilient Saturate yourself with God’s Word and see a renewal of strength, even in old age God wants you to live long and live strong

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The Best News You’ll Ever Hear

Overview Introduction: God knows everything about you and He loves you You have the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ The law was given from afar, but grace and truth came near to us Jesus, our perfect Lamb, has taken away all our sins You can expect good things to happen to you You

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